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Inventore, aliquam sequi nisi velit magnam accusamus reprehenderit nemo necessitatibus doloribus molestiae fugit repellat repudian
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Jasika Ferde
Inventore, aliquam sequi magnam accusamus reprehenderit
Jasika Ferde
Inventore, aliquam sequi magnam accusamus reprehenderit
Jasika Ferde
Inventore, aliquam sequi magnam accusamus reprehenderit
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Our new Course Start, January 2015
Proin vulputate orci non mi aliquet aliquam. Aliquam tincidunt arcu eu sem tempus facilisis bibendum tellus vulputa velit consequat sagittis. Integer justo metus, volutpat in cursus id, sagittis vitae ipsum.Primae
2019-1-UK01-KA204-061975 PRIMAE is funded through the Erasmus + KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education Call 2019. The overarching
EQF Level 7 Certificate in Autism
A level 7 qualification in collaboration with Alrite Autism Centre. More details – including a free taster course! – and
Education for Sustainable Development – Sustainability in our schools
The main aim is to familiarize with the concepts of sustainable development and the implementation of concrete activities in the school. The
2019-1-FR01-KA201-062855 This project aims to create a methodology to make the most of comics as a pedagogical tool for inclusive English
Prevent Violence in Your School Community
Interpersonal violence affects the lives of millions of children across the world. Schools are in a unique position to address and prevent
Innovative teaching approaches using 3D printing
The main aim is to familiarize participants with the concepts of 3D modeling and printing in education. The course is based on innovative
Communication skills for teachers and trainers
Communication is a whole lot more than just talking—although, that is a fundamental part of relationship-building and knowledge-transfer. The
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