Teaching in multicultural classes: tips, challenges, opportunities

Teaching in multicultural classes: tips, challenges, opportunities

Target group

Primary and secondary teachers, adult educators/ trainers dealing with learners from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

Course aim

The aim of this 7-day course is to enable participants and participant organizations to deal effectively with classroom challenges linked to migration.

Expected results

At the end of this course, participants will have:

  • improved their competences linked to teaching/ training learners from other cultures, and integrating them into their classroom practice;
  • increased their capacity to trigger and lead changes in terms of inclusiveness and combating violent radicalization within their organizations;
  • improved the quality of their work and activities in favor of both local and non-local learners;
  • gained a greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity;
  • increased their ability to address the needs of the disadvantaged;
  • improved their competence in English;
  • increased their motivation and satisfaction in their daily work;
  • built a network of international contacts;
  • developed a sense of European citizenship and identity through participating in a community of European teachers and trainers;
  • become familiar with the Europass tool.

Course content:

– Disambiguating and contextualizing key-concepts and approaches;

– Managing culture and race-induced classroom conflict;

– Exploring and adopting effective teaching styles;

– Supporting learners of diverse linguistic backgrounds even you’re not a language teacher;

– Exploiting course content to foster critical and creative thinking on relevant issues.


You can download the Teaching in multicultural classes-timetable

Download Attachment: Timetable Multicultural Classes

Contact Us

Email: info@areadne.eu

Ariochori 24009, Kalamata, Greece.

Telephone:  +306978692936

Email: info@areadne.eu
Website: www.areadne.eu

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Areadne Lifelong Learning Centre
we provide EU-certified courses,
Organisation id: E10039195
PIC: 924087379